Chilled Water Curtailment Stages 1-4 Today

Due to warm and very humid overnight conditions, forecast high temperatures and very high humidity today, and currently low chilled water thermal storage tank levels, Stanford needs to implement Stage 1 through 4 Chilled Water Curtailment starting immediately. Take immediate actions necessary to protect sensitive equipment.

Please reference the below Chilled Water Curtailment Guide for impacted buildings by stage and contact your building facilities representatives for additional support. All Stages 1 through 4 are included in this curtailment:

Building management in all buildings can help us to reduce chilled water load and prevent higher stages of curtailment by implementing the following measures:

  • Close window coverings on sunny exposures
  • Raise thermostat set points to 78F in office and common areas
  • Close laboratory fume hood sashes when not in use
  • Close operable windows in air conditioned buildings
  • Shut off unused office equipment
  • Turn off lights in unoccupied areas
  • Where possible, shut off lab equipment not currently being used

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