Wildfire smoke: Take precautions; Dish closed
Wildfire smoke continues to be present in the area around Stanford today. As posted by airnow.gov, the nearest official reporting station in Redwood City had an Air Quality Index reading of 164 this morning, which is in the lower end of the Unhealthy range.
We do not have a forecast for the coming days, though smoke is likely to persist in the area at variable rates. Numerous wildfires are currently burning in the Bay Area, the closest to Stanford being a series of fires in southern San Mateo County and northern Santa Cruz County collectively named the “CZU August Lightning Complex” fires.
We know the high heat, smoke and continuing effects of the pandemic together pose additional challenges for members of our community. We offer the following information:
HEALTH GUIDANCE: The airnow.gov website provides recommendations on steps you should take at different Air Quality Index readings. In the “Unhealthy” range, sensitive groups are advised to avoid prolonged or heavy exertion, and to consider moving activities indoors or rescheduling them. Everyone else is encouraged to reduce prolonged or heavy exertion and to take more breaks during outdoor activities.
STUDENTS ON CAMPUS: In general, please consider staying indoors to the greatest extent possible due to the heat and smoke. Drink plenty of water. Contact Vaden Health Services if you have a health condition that needs attention due to the heat and smoke.
EH&S INFORMATION: Tips and training related to wildfire smoke are available from Stanford Environmental Health & Safety at https://ehs.stanford.edu/topic/general-workplace-safety/protection-from-wildfire-smoke. Supervisors should consult this information to provide for the needs of employees during a wildfire smoke event.
DISH CLOSURE: Due to the poor air quality, the Dish Area is being closed until at least 3 p.m. today. Conditions will be reassessed at that time. Updates will be provided at dish.stanford.edu.
As always, it is recommended that those who may be particularly sensitive to smoke consult their medical provider if needed during a wildfire smoke event. Updates on any changes in the current smoke event will be provided on emergency.stanford.edu.