Update on potential for rotating power outages
PG&E reported today (Monday, August 17) that rotating power outages are likely to occur in California this afternoon and evening due to continued hot weather. The Stanford community is encouraged to help conserve energy and to make any preparations needed in the event of a power outage.
Rotating outages can be ordered by the California Independent System Operator (California ISO) and implemented by utilities including PG&E based on the available power supply in the state. Due to extreme heat and high demand that may be greater than supply, California ISO may require PG&E to turn off power in rotating outages between 3 p.m. and 10 p.m. each day August 17-20.
Rotating outages typically last 1-2 hours. The customers specifically affected by an outage will not receive advance notice.
If a power outage affects one of Stanford’s campuses, the university’s ability to supply chilled water to cool campus buildings will cease. Loads not served by emergency power during the event, such as research activities, will be impacted.
Please take any necessary precautions to prepare for a possible power and chilled water outage, protect critical equipment, and take steps to conserve energy to help reduce the load on the state’s power grid.
Announcement from PG&E: https://www.pgecurrents.com/2020/08/17/rotating-power-outages-likely-to-occur-monday-afternoon-and-evening/
Information and energy conservation tips from PG&E: https://www.pge.com/en_US/residential/outages/planning-and-preparedness/safety-and-preparedness/keep-power-on.page
Ongoing updates from PG&E: https://twitter.com/PGE4Me