JB Christy
Posts by JB Christy
Extreme heat: Cooling further curtailed on main campus
June 11, 2019 10:13 am
A Stage 2 Chilled Water Curtailment, affecting the cooling in campus labs, offices and classroom spaces that are not holding final exams, is being implemented on the main Stanford campus today, Tuesday, June 11. Classrooms with final exams scheduled will not be curtailed. Campus buildings are cooled by a chilled water system. Due to the… Read more Extreme heat: Cooling further curtailed on main campus
Extreme heat: Comfort cooling curtailed on main campus
June 10, 2019 5:06 pm
A Stage 1 Chilled Water Curtailment, affecting building comfort cooling in many campus academic buildings and offices, is being implemented on the main Stanford campus this afternoon, Monday, June 10, that is expected to be in place at least through Tuesday evening. Campus buildings are cooled by a chilled water system. Due to the unusually… Read more Extreme heat: Comfort cooling curtailed on main campus
Power is restored, campus is operating normally
October 25, 2018 6:21 am
Power has been restored to campus buildings, and the campus will be operating normally on Thursday. The source of Wednesday’s power outage, which affected a portion of the campus, was traced to a cable failure at a transformer serving the new Bass Biology Building, which has been under construction and has not yet been occupied.… Read more Power is restored, campus is operating normally
Guidance for entering labs when power is restored
October 24, 2018 8:05 pm
If your lab has experienced a sustained loss of power, please refer to these safety instructions prior to re-entering the lab: Post Power Outage Laboratory Re-entry Guidance A list of affected buildings is available in previous posts, below.
Power restored to most campus buildings
October 24, 2018 8:04 pm
Power has been restored to most buildings on campus that earlier were affected by a power outage. Power has not been restored to the following buildings: Anderson Collection Stauffer I Stauffer II Psychiatry Academic and Clinic (401 Quarry) Roth Way Garage Mudd Chemistry Gilbert Biology Paul Allen Building Chemistry Gazebo The remaining buildings will remain… Read more Power restored to most campus buildings
Additional information regarding the power outage
October 24, 2018 5:47 pm
Crews continue working to restore power to affected parts of the campus. The process is expected to take at least several hours as individual circuits are tested and restored. The cause of the outage is still undetermined. We plan to provide further updates between 7:30 and 8 p.m. Please review previous posts below for lab… Read more Additional information regarding the power outage
Update on power outage, impact on evening classes
October 24, 2018 5:06 pm
Land, Buildings and Real Estate is continuing to work on restoring power to affected buildings, though the process is expected to take several hours. Building access: Please be aware that card-system access to some buildings may be affected during the outage. Phone access: Office phones may be impacted by the power outage; in an emergency,… Read more Update on power outage, impact on evening classes
Additional information regarding power outage
October 24, 2018 4:25 pm
Roughly 55 buildings on campus have lost power. Affected areas of campus include, but are not limited to Pampas Lane Graduate School of Business Arrillaga Alumni Center parts of Athletics parts of the School of Medicine Hoover Tower Clark Center Littlefield Center It is estimated that it will take approximately 4 hours to restore power… Read more Additional information regarding power outage
Additional lab safety recommendations
October 24, 2018 4:15 pm
Lab researchers in buildings affected by power outage: Please cease any work with hazardous materials, and secure and leave the lab. Further updates when available.
Lab safety protocols during power outage
October 24, 2018 4:06 pm
At this time, a power outage is still affecting an estimated one third of the campus. Buildings are operating on backup generators. LBRE is working to restore power. Ventilation may be impacted with the outage. Lab researchers in affected buildings, please cease any work with hazardous materials at this time, until power is restored. Please… Read more Lab safety protocols during power outage
Power failure affecting a significant portion of the campus
October 24, 2018 4:04 pm
At approximately 3:00 pm, an estimated one third of Stanford’s campus lost power. Land, Buildings and Real Estate (LBRE) is investigating and working to restore power as soon as possible. Please be aware that local buildings without generators may start to lose network and voice services as battery backups run out.
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