Wednesday update on PG&E power situation
The latest information from PG&E continues to indicate that the main Stanford campus, Stanford Redwood City and SLAC are not expected to be affected by the Public Safety Power Shutoffs in Northern California. Stanford will be open and operating on Thursday, October 10.
PG&E postponed some of its planned shutoffs in the Bay Area from this afternoon until this evening due to refined weather predictions. Please be aware that shutoffs are still expected to be occurring in some surrounding areas, including areas where Stanford employees live.
For staff employees, if a PG&E power shutoff at your home or at your child’s school affects your ability to come to work, please be in touch with your manager to discuss any arrangements that may be needed. Please also take the necessary precautionary measures at your home if you expect to be affected by the shutoffs.
Stanford is continuing to monitor the situation closely. If there are any major changes in the situation for Stanford, members of the university community will be informed via the AlertSU system. Ongoing updates will be provided on the website. SLAC continues to provide SLAC-specific information to its community at
Due to a Red Flag Warning for high winds and low humidity, the Dish will be closed on Thursday. Information is available on the Dish website.