2017 AlertSU Annual Test Notification
On Thursday, October 19, between noon-12:30 pm, Stanford University will conduct its annual test of the campus AlertSU system. Alert messages will be sent via text message and email to the Stanford community. Text messages will be sent from “89361.”
The test will also include activation of the outdoor warning system, which will sound an audible tone for approximately 60 seconds followed by a verbal message from each of the 7 sirens at various campus locations. The sirens will be audible throughout the campus and may also be heard in parts of the surrounding communities including Palo Alto, Menlo Park and Los Altos.
If this were a real emergency, you would be asked to follow the specific instructions in the alert message. Other avenues, which might be used to inform the community about critical incidents, include:
- Stanford’s emergency website: http://emergency.stanford.edu ;
- Department of Public Safety website: https://police.stanford.edu ;
- KZSU 90.1 FM
- Univeristy emergency information hotlines: 650-725-5555 and 844-253-7878 (844-AlertSU)
For more information about the AlertSU system, please visit the AlertSU FAQ page at: https://police.stanford.edu/alertsu-faq.html.